The selling broker is then required to assign a portion of the commission to the buyer broker 卖方经纪人须随后将部分佣金分给买方经纪人。
Broker's commission to deal in shares on the Internet incurs none of the regular broker's Commission and investors can therefore easily afford to buy and sell shares more regularly. 在网上进行股票交易无须按常规付经纪人佣金,从而使投资者得以更为长期轻松地买卖股票。
Commission A sum of money or a percentage paid to a broker, agent or salesman for providing services. 佣金支付给经纪人、代理商或销售人员一定比例的服务费。
Based on the basic principles of Anglo-American Law of Agency, it firstly introduces the different means through which chartered shipbrokers become involved in a charterparty; The depiction of commission will benefit the research of the study on broker's legal status a lot. 从英美代理法的基本原理出发,首先介绍了租船经纪人参与租约的不同方式;这一部分的叙述对租船经纪人法律地位的研究是一个非常有益的补充。
On Claim for Commission of Agent A Discussion on the Issue of Litigation Broker 论代理人的佣金请求权诉讼掮客问题刍议
The depiction of commission will benefit the research of the study on broker's legal status a lot. 这一部分的叙述对租船经纪人法律地位的研究是一个非常有益的补充。
In recent years, with the development of competition in the securities industry, the overall commission rates have fallen sharply, and the competition between broker have a gradual transformation, the war of service replace the previous commission war. 近年来,随着证券行业竞争的白热化,整体佣金率大幅下滑,而券商间的竞争也从以往简单的佣金战逐步转变为服务战。
The past studies of the commission system in the real estate market are mostly from the perspective of the incentives for broker, only consider the risk of moral hazard that may occur by the agent, but overlooked that clients will also have the occurrence of moral hazard. 以往学者对于房地产市场佣金制度的研究多是从激励中介的视角进行的,仅仅关注了中介方可能会发生的道德风险问题,忽略了客户也有发生道德风险的可能。